Sitting up can exude confidence and authority while slouching can show tiredness
When called upon to be in a video, maybe for patient education, staff training, or public health messaging, posture can make a big difference in how a message is received.
“Hey Ian, do you have any posture tips when talking with talent on camera?”
First, sit in a comfy chair with a back, one you don’t sink into or can lean back in. Investigate and see if you have a non-swivel chair so you’re not moving back and forth too. If you don’t have the right chair, maybe it’s time to buy a new one! I’ll bring a chair or have one sent to you if needed. And lastly, don’t forget to relax your shoulders and engage your core muscles.
Ultimately, posture exudes confidence and authority. If you’re slouching, you can come across tired. By sitting up straight, you also stay comfortable and alleviate any discomfort that can cause distraction from the message.
Most important of all: slouching is something to correct during filming, because it’s not usually possible to address in the editing process. I’ll be on the lookout for you!
I’d love to hear the message you’d like to give! Give me a call and let’s make it happen!